• Čeština
  • English
+420 604 838 444 info@hudbanasvatby.cz

Technical conditions

Each set needs the number of players in place for each chair without side armrests.

Playing outdoors – it is possible, but some shelter must be secured – preferably a small party tent about 4 times 2.5 meters for the case of even a small armband or a violent sunshine!

In the case of normal weather, the shadow of the tree is usually enough, but the party tent as a reserve must be prepared, the weather will not be selected!

The room (room, cloakroom) where we can change, keep your personal belongings and futral from the tools.

Water and coffee for musicians is a habit.

In the case of gambling and feast – the best warm lunch for the musicians between the ceremony and the feast, or if the banquet follows the ceremony food in the first break during the banquet.

Drinks while playing for a feast or evening.

If there is no “last minute” order, it is necessary to have selected songs for the ceremony a maximum of one month before the wedding itself. In the case of last minute requests by agreement.

Tracks must be selected from repertoire lists of individual reports. Repertoire of individual reports differs.

Each wedding has us the option of one song outside the repertoire upon request if we are interested and needed.

If it’s free to get a song for you, it’s free for you.

If you only get a paid version of the note, the amount is for the purchase of a note, preparing and spreading a note for a particular set and printing between 200, – 500, – CZK for a song outside the repertoire.

Travel costs 6 CZK / km and for Prague weddings it is calculated from the center of Prague – our place of residence. Out-of-home weddings are not a problem for us.

We are able to come far beyond Prague, but we prefer such weddings as wedding ceremony + wedding reception.

The basic version we offer outside of Prague is the so-called “extended ceremony” – that is, 50 minutes – 8 to 9 songs. In the case of marriage ceremonies and semi-church ceremonies this is:

  • 2 songs before the wedding ceremony, setting up wedding guests and creating an atmosphere
  • 1-2 songs on the arrival of the bride and groom
  • sometimes 1 song between the readings or before the promise (during the semi-marriage marriage)
  • 1 song to replace rings, first kisses, and signatures to a checkbook
  • 2-3 songs for congratulation and bacon (toast)
  • When the time is 1, the song will start to take the picture

The church ceremony is longer (40-60 minutes), so the price corresponds to the version of the extended ceremony.

The price for “ceremony” is only for matrimonial ceremonies that last up to 30 minutes and where there are a total of 5 songs:

  • 1 wedding march for bride and groom
  • 1 song to replace rings, first kisses, and signatures to a checkbook
  • 3 songs to congratulate and leave the box